If you’ve heard nothing about the perfect wine for your zodiac sign, prepare to be amazed. The study of astrology predates even medicine and has been a method of predicting human personality tendencies based on their zodiac sign.

For those who know nothing of zodiac signs, it is merely a symbol that suggests the sun’s position relative to the Earth at the time of your birth. It is believed that besides our physiology, genes, and temperament, who we become is also a function of our birth date.
So, this piece will walk you through astrology and wine, making wine recommendations by signs of your celestial alignment at birth. Our authorities for these zodiac wine pairings are Alice Smith and Maressa Brown, renowned astrologers from Washington and California, respectively.
1. Aries (March 21–April 19): Cabernet Sauvignon
Aries folks are fiery, which explains their pull towards the Cabernet Sauvignon.

So, when you encounter an Aries passionate about wine, do not be surprised if they argue with you about the potential origins of the wine they are tasting.
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2. Taurus (April 20–May 20): Viognier
The astrological wine choices of Taurus exude the love of pleasure as their celestial drink suggestions are the Viogniers.

According to Smith, Taurus people’s zodiac wine pairings indicate that they love pleasurable things, not as a status symbol but for the fulfillment they bring.
3. Gemini (May 21–June 21): Vinho Verde
Brown feels wines with attributes similar to Vinho Verde will catch Gemini’s fancy.

Due to their extroverted tendencies, wine for the zodiac sign of Mercury usually has a low ABV, keeping them active for longer in social settings.
4. Cancer (June 22–July 22): Riesling
A Cancer’s personalized wine selection would probably be more of family-friendly variants like Riesling.

These folks are laid-back and homely and probably want to leave good precedents for their children. So, check their cellar to confirm that Brown’s astrology and wine suggestions align.
5. Leo (July 23–August 22): Sauvignon Blanc
The wine zodiac sign of Leos is a bold one. Even during winter and spring, a Leo will subconsciously try to relive the warmth and experiences of the sunny month.

Is there a better symphony of horoscopes and beverages? Leo’s astrological wine choices lean towards Sauvignon Blancs and similar-tasting brands.
6. Virgo (August 23–September 22): Txakoli
Virgos pays attention to details that easily slip through the cracks for most other people.

So, their zodiac wine pairing involves brands with subtle flavor nuances, like the Txakoli. Horoscope and beverages may divulge that Virgos love the aroma of swaying wine as much as they savor the taste.
7. Libra (September 23–October 23): Rosé
The French Rosé is one of the many wine recommendations by sign for Libras. Judging by the wine for zodiac signs tendencies of Libras, they constantly hunt for experiences they can share with others, like friends or better halves.

Once a Libra finds a restaurant with exquisite food and personalized wine selection, they will likely invite someone important to them.
8. Scorpio (October 24–November 21): Syrah
Syrah is one of the most audacious blends of red wine and one of the great wine recommendations by sign for Scorpio.

Of course, horoscopes and beverages do not necessarily mix well for everyone. However, Scorpios love intense experiences, so they will give Syrah a shot when the opportunity arises.
9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21): Grenache
Astrology and wine merge harmoniously for the Sagittarius due to their adventurous nature.

So, they tend to love celestial drink suggestions with the widest range of possible variants or flavors—licorice, spices, citrus fruit, you name it.
10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19): Cabernet Franc
The best wine recommendations by sign, which you could offer a Capricorn, are brands that have aged classic grapes for over 10 years, like the Cabernet Franc.

Such personalized wine selections are not entirely their doing, as many people with this zodiac sign have an unexplainable knack for vintage items.
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11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18): Orange Wine
According to Brown, celestial drink suggestions for Aquarius should have an element of exoticism.

Wines that have elements of citrus fruit have somewhat complex and tasty flavors. This works fine for predicting the perfect wine for your zodiac sign, especially for Aquarius, as they are innovative and explorative.
12. Pisces (February 19–March 20): Rosé Champagne
Pisces have a mystic approach to life and existence. So, it’s little surprise that their wine for zodiac signs has sparkling wine flavors like that of Rosé Champagne.

Brown suggests Pisces are mostly empathic and imaginative but would appreciate enjoying the flavors of the Rosé Champagne.
Are you a wine lover? Are you willing to try out what we have suggested about wine for zodiac signs? You may want to compare how much you like what the astrologers suggest to other variants of wine you’ve tried before. So, welcome to the journey of discovering the perfect wine for your zodiac sign.