If you have lost interest in doing the things that once excited you, or you find it difficult to be happy, you could be battling with depression. When in this state, everything becomes tiring.
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This is a serious condition but, you can manage it and improve your mood. I’ll be showing you some powerful life hacks that can improve your mood and lift you off depression. Let’s not waste any more time, let’s get right into it.
What is Depression?
First of all, we need to understand what this is. Imagine a dark cloud above a beautiful island. It makes everything dark and dull. It takes away its beauty and light and that’s exactly what depression is to a human.
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This is more than just going through stuff. It’s a place where a person lives in despondency. And this should be treated urgently. Let’s see some of the symptoms.
The Feeling of Emptiness
There’s this unending sadness and dissatisfaction that a depressed person has. They feel empty inside and nothing they try doing can uplift their spirits.
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They feel like they’re not enough or worth anything. They feel all their actions are futile. They are just perpetually sad and sometimes, they experience anxiety and restlessness.
Loss of Interest / Excitement
The things that once excited them now become so boring. They no longer have that spark of life in their eyes. They lose interest in people, in activities, from games, to movies, even sex.
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They also start wanting to keep to themselves and see no reason to socialize. And, this makes them withdraw from their friends and family.
Suicidal Thoughts
Now this is the most extreme case, but it is very common among depressed people. They feel worthless and tired of life. They get easily tired and sometimes have trouble falling asleep.
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They no longer have peace of mind. So, ending it all becomes a very good option for them. When it gets to this stage, they need to seek immediate help.
It’s Not Always The Same
Different people have different symptoms they face. So, the severity can vary among individuals. If you’re suffering from depression, you should speak with a medical consultant. It’s very important.
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Also, some lifestyle changes can also help in managing the symptoms. I know you’re eager to see the lifestyle changes I’m talking about. Let’s go.
Find Hope Again
No matter what you’re going through or what is going on, you can find hope again. Find time to meditate on the things you’re grateful for, no matter how little they are.
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Think about the past and how you once enjoyed your living. Also, tell yourself that it will always get better. Just find reasons to keep on living and find hope in the littlest things.
Stay in Nature
There’s something your natural environment does to you. It soothes your soul. So, spend time with nature. Don’t spend too much time indoors. Look around, feel the breeze, soak in the sunlight.
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Lie on the grass too and play in the sand. You can stay by an ocean or go watch a waterfall. When you take in the beauty in the natural environment, you’ll instantly see beauty in yourself too.
Do Activities You Really Enjoy
At this stage, don’t just go swimming because you want to go out or because friends are going. If you enjoy singing, do that instead. If it’s dancing, do that. Just do you.
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You can even go to the gym if that’s what you really love. These activities can fuel you up and increase your excitement drive. So, doing this will genuinely make you happy, and you need that.
Identify your Stress Triggers
You need to know the things that stress you out the most. Once you have identified it, avoid it like a plague. What we want is general well being so, stress might lead to anxiety, which would lead to depression.
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If you cannot completely avoid the things that stress you, you can come up with a plan instead. This plan would be about how to manage those things in a way that would not affect you.
Reach Out and Connect
Don’t stay alone. Don’t isolate yourself. Reach out to people and talk with them. Have mind-lifting conversations and just laugh.
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Those feelings of rejection or feeling unloved sometimes come when you spend too much time to yourself. If you want to make your hangout more interesting, you can do fun activities when you meet people.
Know Your Self Worth
You need to work on your self esteem and know just how much you’re worth. Don’t talk yourself down ever. Keep seeing the beautiful things about yourself, point them out and recite them as mantras.
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You may seem like a mess right now but that doesn’t mean you should wither away. Keep your head high and acknowledge that you’re enough and that you’ve got this. I’m rooting for you as well. You’ve got this, really.