Life hacks are approaches for handling issues that make daily management easier. For instance, they are useful when candles are replaced with crayons for lighting, and when colored, scented erasers are used to help with remembering.

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These handy tips help resolve urgent problems. Keep reading as we’ve iscussed great life hacks that work to help you resolve urgent problems
Using Crayons as Emergency Candles
Crayons, being bright colors, emit a high amount of light when melted into an emergency candle. One crayon provides at least one hour of candlelight if the top of the crayon is litted.

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You might find this trick helpful during unexpected power outages or without a regular candle. However, only place the crayon in a non-flammable area of the house.
Hiccups Remedy With Peanut Butter
One of the most popular hiccup remedies is peanut butter and it’s something that every mother should make mandatory for her children. Of all the home remedies for hiccups, eating a spoonful of peanut butter is a very viable solution.

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Peanut butter has a sticky nature, such that when you try to swallow, it will break the hiccup reflex by changing your breathing pattern.
Boost Memory with Scents
It’s no news that one of the most valuable vital senses is the sense of smell which has a direct connection with our memories. In the case of studying, find the best eraser with a peculiar smell, such as pickle.

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If you find yourself in a fix on any question, just take a sniff. By relating the scent to study material, you could relate the aroma with an item that aids in remembering information studied during study sessions.
Microwave Your Food with Water
You can help your meals taste better by adding a bit of water to the microwave tray together with the food to be heated. This will ensure that the nutrients do not dry up, thus making the meal more refreshing to eat.

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This technique is useful when you are reheating rather than cooking food as this method will ensure that the food stays moist and tasty.
Improve Your Coffee with Salt
If you find that your coffee has a bitter taste, try adding a pinch of salt to cut through the bitterness. This simple trick will help to achieve the same successful result without the addition of the flavorings and cream.

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It controls the amount of calories one takes while at the same time allowing one to have a good cup of coffee by using less sugar and milk.
Stop Thigh Rub with Deodorant
If you are a fan of sundresses but unfortunately, you always experience skin friction between your legs, then it is advisable to apply deodorant on your thigh. Rub the deodorant on the inner thighs to ensure that no rubbing occurs while moving around or engaging in certain activities.

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This hack enables you to enjoy your favorite dresses safely during the day without compromising your modesty.
Cleans With Vinegar and Dish Soap
For stubborn stains on tough surfaces, you can prepare a Very simple cleaning mixture by boiling white vinegar and some liquid hand soap. Leave it to sit for thirty minutes to help in the breakdown of dirt which may be tough to remove.

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The mixture is suitable for use in areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and many other parts of your house.
Quick Cool Down with Cold Water
If you get overheated, you can always splash your wrists with cold water or just apply an ice cube on the pulse areas. Using this method, your body temperature will decrease quite fast which makes it useful in warm weather or when working under poor working conditions such as lack of air conditioning.

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This simple hack will assist you in equalizing your temperature and give near instant relief.
Banana Peel for Splinters
If you have a splinter on your skin surface, wrap a banana peel around it with the wet side against your skin. Because of the enzymes contained in the banana peel, the splinter can be safely removed easily. Keep it for a few hours or the entire night depending on the severity of the rash.

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This method is one of the perfect home remedies for a common issue which is suitable for most individuals.
Revive your Faucets with Vinegar
Revitalize your faucets and showerheads easily using vinegar. Take a plastic bag, fill it with vinegar, and wrap it around the faucet or showerhead with a rubber band.

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Wait for a few hours or leave it overnight. Vinegar disintegrates mineral buildup and dirt, giving your fixtures a spotless and polished look without any grease.
Stay Awake with Foot Lift
To help you stay awake when you begin to yawn or feel sleepy, try lifting one of your feet off the ground.

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This gentle movement will help you to develop your muscles and prevent you from falling asleep because you will be alert. This is just an indirect way to fight drowsiness and you will not be noticed by others.