You can put your money into fighting climate change as it is becoming a much bigger and more dangerous problem every day. In 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that the situation is getting very serious. It even called it a “code red” for humanity. This means we are running out of time to fix the problem. However, even with this warning, many countries are not making changes to slow down climate change. In fact, some are making decisions that will make the problem worse.
For example, after the IPCC’s warning, China announced its plans to build 43 new coal power plants and 18 new blast furnaces. These projects will increase their emissions by about 1.5%. Before this announcement, China was already leading the world in building new coal power plants. The country was producing more than three times as much new coal power as all other countries combined. This is happening even though the biggest polluting countries promised to cut their emissions before 2030.
If this news makes you feel upset or frustrated, you are not alone. While we can push our leaders to take stronger action, there are also things we can do to help fight climate change. The following are four ways you can use your financial decisions to help prevent climate change.
1. Switch to Solar Power
When you switch to solar energy, it can help the environment greatly. Instead of relying on electricity that is made from fossil fuels you can use solar power that uses renewable energy from the sun. Electricity from fossil fuels creates harmful greenhouse gases that depletes the ozone layer which causes global warming.

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), power plants are one of the largest pollutants in the U.S., they cause about 28% of the country’s emissions. Solar energy, on the other hand, is clean and renewable. It has the potential to significantly cut down greenhouse gases.
Even if you do not own a home or live in a big apartment complex, you can still use solar energy. You can do this through something called community solar. This allows you to join a local solar farm that generates clean electricity for your area.
The solar farm’s energy is sent to the power grid, and your utility company will give you credits for the energy your share generates. These credits will lower your monthly electricity bill, which means you will save money while still helping the planet.
The best part is that the community solar does not require any upfront costs from you. However, it is not yet available everywhere in the country. You will need to check if it is an option where you live.
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2. Stop Using So Much Plastic
Plastic is a big problem for the environment and the climate. It is made from fossil fuels like oil and natural gas. This means producing plastic adds a lot of greenhouse gases to the air. Scientists warn that if we keep making plastic the way we do now, the pollution from plastic by 2030 could be the same as adding 300 new coal power plants to the planet.

Plastic is also clogging up our oceans. If we do not slow down, by 2050, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish. That is something scary to think about.
Now, take a look around your house. You might probably notice plastic everywhere. While it is almost impossible to cut out all plastic, there are ways to reduce its usage. Many companies are creating alternatives to everyday plastic products. For example, cleaning brands like ThreeMain sell cleaning products in aluminum bottles that you can reuse forever. Other companies, like Tru Earth and Earth Breeze, are making laundry products that reduce plastic waste, and they work just as well as traditional products.
You do not have to break the bank to make these changes either. Many of these eco-friendly products are affordable and they get good reviews. Also, cutting down on plastic does not just help the planet, it can save you money in the long run.
If you think recycling is enough, think again. Most of the plastic you toss into recycling bins does not actually get recycled. Instead, it ends up in landfills, burned, or dumped into the ocean. Recycling is not a perfect solution, so reducing plastic use is even more important.
3. Eat Less Meat
Did you know raising animals for food is one of the biggest causes of climate change? Farms that produce meat use a lot of energy and resources. They also release harmful gases like methane into the air. In fact, scientists say livestock farming is responsible for nearly a quarter of the world’s global warming.

Animal farming also causes air pollution, which leads to health problems for many people. It even causes more deaths than pollution from coal power plants.
You do not have to stop eating meat completely to make a difference. Start small. Try going without meat one day a week, like on “Meatless Mondays.” Over time, you can add more meat-free days. There are also plenty of tasty meat substitutes in grocery stores that cost less than meat. This way you can save money while helping the planet.
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4. Support Groups That Fight Climate Change
There are lots of charities and organizations that are working hard to protect the planet and fight climate change. For example, Rainforest Trust focuses on saving tropical rainforests, which are some of the most important areas for stopping climate change. These forests absorb carbon dioxide, but we are losing them at an alarming rate. In 2020, we lost an area of forest bigger than Pennsylvania, which released more carbon than all the cars in the U.S. combined.

Rainforest Trust is highly rated for its effectiveness, so you can trust that your donation will make a real impact. If you are looking for other groups to support, you can check out a website like Charity Navigator, which lists trusted organizations that focus on climate change.
When you reduce your plastic use, eat less meat, and support climate-focused charities, you can help make a big difference for the planet.