Recycling is great, but did you know tossing the wrong plastics in the bin can do more harm than good? Yup, not all plastics are recyclable! This guide will walk you through 8 plastic items you should avoid recycling so you can skip the confusion and recycle like a pro. Ready to keep your environment safe and prevent rookie mistakes? Let’s dive in and sort it all out together.
1 . Used Napkins
Do you think napkins are recyclable? Think again. Once used, they are considered contaminated items. Food stains and oils make them impossible to process, and tossing them in the recycling bin can ruin entire batches.

Instead, opt to compost your used napkins if possible. If not, throw them in the trash where they belong. Recycling is fantastic, but knowing which plastic items you should avoid recycling is even better.
2. A Shower Curtain
Want to know if a shower curtain can be recycled? The simple answer is no. Most are made from non-recyclable plastic, such as vinyl, which doesn’t break down in standard recycling processes.

Even if it looks like other plastic, it’s a no-go for the bin. Why not get creative? Reuse it as a drop cloth for painting or simply toss it. This is a clear example of how plastic recycling is a myth for some items, no matter how they look.
3. Utensils and Straws
Plastic utensils and straws might seem like easy recyclables, but they aren’t. They’re too small to be processed properly and often get stuck in machines. Plus, most of them are made from non-recyclable plastic, so they can’t be reused.

Instead of tossing them in the bin, try switching to reusable options. Little changes like this can make a big difference in the environment and make recycling much easier.
4. Plastic Bottle Caps
Here’s a surprise: bottle caps are plastic items you should avoid recycling. Why? They’re too small to be processed properly and often jam machines. If you want to recycle bottles, leave the caps off and toss them separately into the trash.

Remember that not all plastics can be recycled, even if they seem like they should. Knowing what belongs in the bin and what doesn’t is helpful.
5. Plastic Grocery Bags
Lightweight plastic grocery bags might be convenient to use, but they’re a nightmare for recycling. These bags tangle in machines, causing costly delays. Want to recycle them? It’s not recommended.

Simply drop them off at special recycling collection points, usually found at grocery stores. Then go ahead and switch to reusable totes. This simple change reduces non-recyclable plastic waste and helps protect the environment.
6. Heavily Contaminated Items
If your plastic is coated in grease or food residue, it’s likely a non-recyclable plastic. For example, greasy takeout containers are contaminated items that can ruin good recyclables.

Always rinse your plastics before recycling. But if cleaning isn’t possible, throwing them away is better. You should avoid recycling these plastic items, including dirty containers and greasy wrappers.
7. Plastic Wrappers
Plastic wrappers from chips, candy, and snacks may seem recyclable, but they’re not. These items are made from mixed materials like foil and plastic, which can’t be separated for recycling. Tossing them in the bin only creates more problems at recycling plants.

Try switching to snacks with recyclable packaging. Knowing which plastic items you should avoid recycling helps clean the environment and the recycling process.
8. Bubble Wraps
Bubble wrap might be fun to pop, but it’s also a plastic item you should avoid recycling. Its soft, stretchy plastic tangles in recycling machines, causing costly damage.

Instead of tossing it in the recycle bin, reuse bubble wrap for packing or drop it off at special recycling facilities that accept it. Understanding non-recyclable plastic like this ensures you’re recycling efficiently and responsibly.
Become a Pro at Recycling
Knowing which plastic items to avoid recycling can make a huge difference in reducing waste. By staying mindful of what goes into your recycling bin, whether it’s plastic bags for grocery shopping or takeout containers, you’re helping to improve the process. Take that extra step to recycle right and make your efforts count. After all, in life, small changes lead to big impacts.