You never know how lucky you are to enjoy air travel until you meet those with aviophobia. Aviophobia, also referred to as flight anxiety, is more common than you think. It’s so common that it affects millions of people worldwide. Inasmuch as it can be difficult, overcoming your fear of flying isn’t rocket science. It starts with understanding where it comes from.
For some, it is a fear of heights, while for others, it’s the lack of control. Whatever it is that triggers your fear (be it turbulence, takeoff, or the fear of an emergency), the key is to identify it and take steps to manage it. Below are tips to help you overcome your fear of fearing.
Educate Yourself on Flight Safety
First on the list on how to overcome the fear of flying is knowledge—take your time learning about flight safety. Air travel is by far one of the safest modes of transportation. It has very strict safety regulations and highly trained pilots.

When you understand how planes work, why turbulence is normal, and how prepared crews are for emergencies, your fear will reduce by 50%. So, educate yourself about aviation, watch documentaries, and even read about the fear of flying.
Speak to a Flight Attendant
If you’re flying solo, there is no shame in confiding with an attendant that you have a fear of flying. Flight attendants are more knowledgeable than you think, especially in handling anxious flyers. Hopefully you meet a very kind one; they will go out of their way to check up on you throughout the flight. They will ensure you’re good and make you feel comfortable at any cost.
Know the Common Airplane Noises
Not all the noises you hear during your air travel should make you feel nervous. Some are just normal. To avoid unexpected noises that could make you anxious, learn to identify routine aircraft noises.

For instance, noises from cargo doors being opened or closed or changes in engine noise. Being able to identify these noises can keep your mind at ease.
Practice Relaxation Before Every Flight
You can’t be struggling with aviophobia and still ignore some major relaxation techniques. These relaxation techniques can help calm your nerves before and even during your flight. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and muscle relaxation are all relaxation techniques that can make a world of difference. A few added forms of relaxation include listening to slow and calming music or guided meditation.
Gradual Exposure to Flying
Exposure therapy is one of the most effective but underrated solutions to flight anxiety. The idea is to gradually expose yourself to flying. You can start by watching videos of flights and visiting airports, before eventually booking your flight.

Such repeated exposure can help desensitize you to your fears and this will make flying feel more usual; like a routine. Another great idea is working with a therapist who specializes in aviophobia to guide you through the process.
Avoid Triggers Like Caffeine and Alcohol
Overcoming your fear of flying means you must pay attention to your diet. People often consider caffeine and alcohol as good ideas before flight, but they make anxiety even worse. Caffeine can increase your heart rate and make you feel jittery. On the other hand, alcohol can make you feel dehydrated and even disturb your sleep. Instead of either of them, go for water or herbal tea to stay hydrated while flying.
Handle Motion Sickness Proactively
Sometimes your fear of flying could be linked to motion sickness. Hence, taking preventive measures can make a big difference. To tackle this, you can sit near the wings of the plane where the turbulence is less noticeable.

In addition you can use over-the-counter medications or wear acupressure wristbands to prevent nausea. If you aren’t okay with either of the previously mentioned, then staying hydrated before takeoff is your best bet.
Fly With a Friend
You don’t always have to travel alone. Have a trusted and caring friend or family member you can travel with in order to have a better flying experience. They can go a long way to help you in your journey through overcoming your fear of flying. Your best friend, for instance, can offer reassurance, help distract you, and even remind you of some safety rules when anxiety sets in.
Overcoming Your Fear of Flying Is Possible
With the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to overcome aviophobia! You can totally change your flying experience from bad to good to amazing.

Just ensure to use two or more of the tips and strategies listed in this article—from practicing relaxation to gradual exposure to flying. We are rooting for you! You can do it.