What’s the real secret to having glowing skin? First thing you should know is that glowing skin does not happen in a day. It’s a build-up of routines or activities you should have been doing over time. And the good part is that it’s never too late to build a good skincare routine.

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As much as genes also play a part in this skin thing, a great routine would make a great skin. So, the actual secret is your consistency in your routine. Read on to see the things you should take seriously in your routine.
Vitamin C
Some people call Vitamin C your skin’s best friend. Well, that can work because Vitamin C does a really great job with the skin. It’s an antioxidant, which means it protects the skin and prevents a lot of harm from coming to the skin.

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This Vitamin brightens your skin, deals with hyperpigmentation and makes you glow effortlessly. So, it’s obviously a must-have.
You really can’t achieve glowing skin if you don’t exfoliate. This process removes dead skin cells from the top of your skin and reveals a brighter glowing skin from within.

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It also opens your skin pores and makes the products you’re using sip in and work. So, if you don’t exfoliate, there’s a chance that your products are not entering your skin and doing what they should do.
Eating Right
Glowing skin is healthy skin. And this is one of the greatest but most under-looked skincare secrets. Your skin and body generally is just a reflection of what’s going on inside. So, using a ton of skincare products when you’re not eating right may not make so much difference.

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Eat healthy meals more often like vegetables, fruits, foods that are highly nutritious. Your skin would thank you for it because it would start reflecting the healthiness from within.
Your skin needs water and hydration is a key thing to get glowing skin. So, moisturize it from within by drinking lots of water. And moisturize it from outside as well. Do this in your routine in the morning and at night.

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Because of the harsh weather, your skin may dry out at different times. So, use products that would moisturize your skin and also retain this moisture.
Face Massage
You know how exercises keep you fit and strong and improve your body health? That’s exactly what massage does to the face. It improves the circulation of blood and this makes your face plump and bright.

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You can either use your fingers to massage your face or use face massage tools to make it more effective and professional. Either way, just give your face this treat.
Keep your Hands Off
This is a serious part of your skincare practice. Do not touch your face anyhow or pick at it. Your hands carry germs and when you touch your face, you transfer those germs to it.
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When these germs touch your face, they can cause spots, irritation, or acne. So, only touch your face when you’re washing it or applying your skincare products. And you must do this with clean hands.
Limit Sun Exposure
The greatest damage you can do to your skin is staying out in the sun for too long. The sun is not your skin’s friend. It contains UV rays that will definitely harm your skin.

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Even if you’re wearing sunscreen, you’re not advised to be in the sun for long. As much as you can, protect your skin and avoid the sun.
Cut Down on Screen Time
We all love our phones but whether we believe it or not, this does more harm to our skin than good. Screens have blue light and this can tire your skin out and make it look older.

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I’m not saying don’t use your gadgets. I’m saying you should try to take breaks and not look at them all day. Also, use creams with Vitamin B3 that can protect your skin from those blue rays.
Keep Your Phone Clean
Do you know how many germs are on your phone? All day long, it’s picking germs up from the air and from surfaces. So, when it’s time for a call and you put your phone on your face, you’re inviting trouble.
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What you should do is to have antibacterial cleaning wipes with you at all times. Use them to clean your phone always, so your face won’t pick up those germs.
Yoga Time
Yoga is not just about bending and stretching. It’s how you get blood pumping and flowing around your body, and around your face. This alone makes your skin look bright and alive.
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There are some fun yoga poses like the shoulder stand, forward bend, that are very good for your skin. The best part is that you don’t need any special equipment. Just a yoga mat and your body, and you’re good to go.
Good Sleep
Sleep is really underrated but it is like a charger for your skin. When you sleep, your skin fixes things like spots or scratches and removes that tired and dull look.

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Getting enough sleep for like 6-7 hours daily can do a lot because your skin gets the time to work. Also, because your skin is refreshed, it would stay strong and also glow.