Ever visited a restroom at night to find a red plastic cup under the toilet seat? At first glance, it may seem someone’s trying to play a fast one on you. Or it may just look like something a silly person might do, just because.
Source: BRIGHT SIDE/YouTube
However, as it turns out, several valid reasons exist for placing a red cup (or an empty toilet paper roll) under the toilet seat. As usual, we’re here to spill.
A Moment We Can All Relate To
Have you ever hurried to the restroom to go number 2 and discovered there’s no toilet paper? We sure have, and one thing is clear — we’d never hope to experience the panic that comes with this situation ever again.
Source: BRIGHT SIDE/YouTube
In such situations, you have no idea what to do next. Running out of toilet paper when you need it the most is a nightmare.
A Warning Sign
Placing a red cup under a toilet seat helps to prevent the above situation. When you walk into the “white house” and find the conspicuous plastic, it’s often a signal that the facility has run out of toilet paper.
Source: Elle Hughes/Pexels
So, instead of dashing to do your business without an idea of what’s coming, it forces you to stop and think of alternatives, like an emergency roll.
A Reminder to Replenish Supply
Sometimes, you may run out of toilet paper even when we purchase large quantities. To solve this problem, you should focus more on high-quality and thick bathroom tissues that require you to use a few sheets per time.
Source: Vova Kras /Pexels
So, besides saving us the embarrassment of getting stuck in the restroom, the red cup hack reminds us of the importance of smart inventory management.
Because Hygiene Is Important
Away from the awful no-paper scenario, the red cup hack helps us in other ways too. For example, it’s a useful tool for maintaining proper hygiene when using public restrooms.
Source: Robertson Bathware/YouTube
Placing red cups under toilet seats makes it easy to avoid contracting and spreading germs. Since the cup elevates the seat, you can conveniently lift it with your foot, instead of touching it with bare hands.
For Unwelcome Visitors
A third reason why placing red cups under toilet seats is a great idea is how well it can help to ward off intruding creatures. This is particularly helpful if you live in Florida and other areas where snakes, alligators, etc., can easily access your bathrooms.
Source: whichever5/X
When you place a red cup under your toilet seat, it can alert you to the presence of any intruder by tipping over and making loud noises.
Potty Training
Potty training can be frustrating. If you’re a toddler mum or dad whose kid always forgets to lift the seat before peeing, you understand what we mean.
Source: Emma Hubbard/YouTube
The good news, though, is that you don’t need to yell at them to ensure that they remember. All you have to do is put a red cup under the seat as their signal to lift it. You’re welcome!
Measuring Urine
Some people with specific medical conditions need to measure their urine output regularly. But it’s easy to forget to bring a cup with you when you have an urgent need to pee.
Source: mplusgov/Instagram
With a red cup placed under the toilet seat, there’s no room for excuses (and regrets) anymore. All you need to do is take it off the toilet seat and do your thing.
Alerting Sleepwalkers
Have you got a sleepwalker who loves to use the restroom living with you? If yes, you can rouse them from their episode with a red cup under the toilet seat they frequent.
Source: iStock
A red cup under a toilet seat will tip and make a loud bang when they try to sit. In many cases, this will wake them from their sleep instantly.
Paper Roll vs Red Cup
It’s not a bad idea to replace red cups with used-up tissue rolls if that’s your preference. However, the better choice depends on your intention.
Source: Pinterest
If your goal is to tell the other person that there’s no toilet paper available, they both do the job perfectly. However, it’s to get their attention or make a lot of noise, you’re better off with a red cup.
One or Two Cups?
Wondering whether to place one or two cups under the toilet seat? It’s completely up to you to decide. However, there are some factors to consider if you need this hack to work effectively.
Source: RDNE Stock Project
Generally, we believe that one cup is suitable for all purposes. However, if you’re worried about the cup getting knocked off easily, two will do.
Wrap Up
So, next time you see a red cup placed under a toilet seat, it’s just someone looking out for you. All you have to do is check for toilet paper or any danger around before you do your thing.
Source: whichever5/X
If you love this life hack, there’s more where it came from. You can scan through other articles on this blog for more tips for easy living.