Are you looking to surpass your last performance review? You can always start today by applying these tried-and-true workplace productivity hacks, which can guarantee you greater results every time you implement them.
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You see, improving your productivity at work may represent the difference between being an achiever and an underachiever. So let’s look into these hacks together for a better efficiency experience in the workplace.
Stand-up Meetings
It is important to ensure that meetings at work do not have a negative impact on your productivity. Stand-up meetings, for instance, are an efficient way to reduce long meeting periods.
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They bring with them a sense of urgency and a set agenda, which allows you and your colleagues to get back to implementing other important responsibilities as quickly as possible.
Create a Routine
Setting up a routine that works for you is an important productivity hack. You need to determine how to begin your morning tasks and the actual tasks you’ll start and end your day with.
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You also have to be mindful when you exchange emails or contact colleagues and clients. Once your routine is established, it becomes more difficult to be disrupted, helping you to stay focused and efficient throughout the day.
Practice Micro-Productivity at Work
Being micro-productive involves breaking down work into smaller, more manageable targets and completing projects step by step. This is very important for boosting your productivity.
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According to experts, breaking down tasks makes big projects easier to handle and more achievable, reducing procrastination because we know where to start. So start applying this micro-productive hack immediately so you can enjoy the benefits.
Leverage Technology Wisely
You can use technology, but do not allow it to control you. Google Tasks and Trello are perfect for scheduling and tracking your progress. These tools help you schedule times and dates for deliverables and receive alerts to help you stay on track.
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They help you track every step of your workflow, ensuring that you remain focused and efficient. It is important that you clarify that technology should simplify your life, not complicate it. So use it wisely to boost your productivity.
Learn to Say No
When someone at work interrupts your work routine with a request, you don’t always have to stop everything you’re doing to accommodate them. Simply communicate politely and clearly why you are unable to satisfy their request immediately.
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If it comes from a superior or is urgent, explain how it would affect your current tasks before agreeing. This helps you maintain control over your task without coming off as rude or difficult. So manage your tasks and don’t let others dictate them.
Mute your Phone’s Notifications
That little blinking light from notifications on your smartphone can seriously interfere with your productivity. You need to put your phone away and resist the urge to check it whenever it beeps.
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When you’re done with your task, the chats and funny stories will still be there. So stay focused for now, and then catch up on the exciting stuff when it’s a better time.
Limit Multitasking
Many professionals have a strong objection to multitasking. Some say it works for them, while others are uneasy about working on multiple projects and just completing a few of them.
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Plenty of research and surveys show that multitasking does not make you as productive as you might believe. So try to finish a single task before moving on to another; this is how you boost your productivity.
Take Breaks
Long periods of sitting might have a negative impact on your health and productivity. So make an effort to stand up and move about every hour or two. Stretch, take a little walk, or do a few simple movements.
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This improves circulation, lowers the chance of acquiring chronic diseases, and maintains your energy levels. Plus, when your energy is optimal, your productivity will improve.
Stay Organized
A messy desk could obstruct your thoughts. You need to spend some time tidying and organizing your space to help you think more clearly and stay focused. The same can be said for your mind.
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Practice mental cleanup by writing down thoughts and tasks to complete in a journal or notebook. This allows you to refresh your mind and prioritize what is important.
Personal Development and Training
Personal development and training keep your brain active and increase your productivity. Consider learning something new to keep your mind sharp, it might be a new skill that will enable you to automate a couple of tasks.
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It could also be a new language or enrolling in a course to boost your chances of climbing the job ladder. All of these not only improve your mental abilities but also provide you with opportunities to meet new people and broaden your network.
The End
Personal development and training, as previously discussed, will help you continuously increase your workplace productivity. But you have to align yourself with the other easy and effective techniques.

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If you start now and work on developing new habits, you will notice results in no time. So get in line, make it a routine, and watch your productivity surge.