Are you juggling a hybrid work schedule? We know how tough it can be. Managing work between your home and workplace can leave you worn out and wishing there were more hours in a day. It’s also be exhausting trying to strike this balance and yet find time for yourself.
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Then, there’s the part of feeling frustrated and unproductive despite putting in long hours at work. You may even hear that nagging voice in your head labeling you a procrastinator.
Here Comes Productivity Hacks!
Fortunately, a quick web search for “productivity hacks” will reveal numerous tricks that improve daily performance and reduce stress. But it’s not just enough to know them; you must learn how to apply them to your unique situation to make them work for you.
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But lucky you—this article is pack with the right information to help you get started. We’ll begin by taking a look at the various factors that deplete your every levels in the first place.
Introducing The Culprits
One in three Americans, or more than 100 million Americans, reported having a depression in 2019. Multiple factors, especially nutrient deficiency, can contribute to depression, which impacts focus, energy, and happiness.
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So, beware of deficiencies in vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin B12, gluten, hormones, and Omega 6 fats from processed oils.
Nutritional Meals to Improve your Diet
A diet low in fat and high in sugar and carbs is highly dangerous. The brain loves saturated fats, and it’s no coincidence that they are referred to as essential fatty acids.
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In order to get optimal nutrition, you should eat whole foods, plant-based meals, grass-fed animal protein or natural protein that offers amino acids, healthy fats, Omega 3 fats (avocados, nuts, and seeds), and good oils (like coconut).
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can cause mild debilitating symptoms, including fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and stress intolerance. If this is your situation, you should replace other beverages like tea and coffee with 8–10 glasses of water daily.
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Sometimes, thirst is mistaken for hunger. Drinking water before meals can reduce appetite, but avoid drinking during meals to prevent diluting digestive enzymes. You should also avoid diet drinks and caffeine after lunch due to additives.
Spend Time Exercising to Improve your Focus
Our bodies are made for movement. So, if you maintain a sedentary lifestyle, you’re short-changing yourself in so many ways, including reducing your concentration and focus levels.
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So, make sure you walk or stretch every hour, and add some exercise to your daily routine. If your head feels really tense, find a quiet place to stretch and yawn for a minute or two to enable you to immediately get some oxygen into your system.
How to get Motivated to Exercise
Many people find it difficult to stay motivated to exercise. Begin by listing your personal motivations for wanting to exercise, with the goal of feeling and looking better. Also, make a list of the downsides of not exercising.
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Then compare the negative effects of inactivity with the feeling of having a better quality of life. Finally, come up with creative ways to turn exercise from a chore into a fun and rewarding activity.
Get Recharged through Sleep
Sleep is essential for learning, problem-solving, unwinding, and relieving stress. It relieves tension, drops body temperature, and decreases your heart rate.
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Your anxiety and stress levels can rise when you don’t get enough sleep, which can have a negative impact on your state of mind, focus, and productivity. So, make sure to get enough sleep moving forward, as it is necessary for your general health and productive work performance.
How to Ensure a Goodnight Sleep
To guarantee a good night’s sleep, make sure your room is dark, cold, and quiet. Take out all electronic devices and make sure your bed is comfy and clean. It’s also important that you use your bed for sleeping only.
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Additionally, steer clear of food, tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, and intense exercise right before bed. Rehydrate with water as soon as you wake up, and begin your day with rituals that bring you calm and grateful.
How You Become Mentally Strained
Even when you’re well-rested, hydrated, and have eaten wisely, your day can be hectic. Distractions like phone calls can make you forget about important tasks just as you’re ready to start working on them.
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Unfortunately, the daily juggling of multiple tasks and projects can leave even the best of workers feeling strained. When activities are not efficiently prioritized, edited, and stored, they stay on your mind, triggering mental chaos.
Relationship between Focus and Work
“Open loops,” or unfinished tasks, can divert your attention while working as your mind gravitates towards unfinished projects. Meanwhile, reminders of these unsolved issues can also flood your mind and reduce your concentration.

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The distraction can last into the evening, interfering with your sleep and leading to overload and mental tiredness. It’s important that you control these “open loops” so you can maintain focus and avoid chronic stress and exhaustion.
The Solution to Close Loops
You can organize your tasks using simple tools to close loops and clear your mind. Simply make a list of everything you need to do, then, use the RAG system to highlight them: Red for urgent, Amber for important but not urgent, and Green for noted but not urgent.
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You can make a weekly Loop Closing Checklist by deleting unneeded tasks, creating an ‘Awaiting Response’ file for pending actions, filing reference information, using a project board for continuing work, and scheduling non-urgent tasks in your calendar.