There are so many failed hacks littered all over social media, and we’re overwhelmed by their “unrealistic-ness.” Can you relate to this? If yes, we’ve got good news for you.

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This article right here has come to reawaken your love for hacks. You’ll find practical hacks that actually work and are useful. Let’s get to it.
Tape Roll Hack
When you need a bit of tape and you jack it out hoping to just get your tape and move on, you end up spending minutes trying to figure out where the end of the tape is.

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Now, you can avoid this by using paper clips. When you’re done with using your tape, slide the clip under the tape’s end and that would be a marker for where you will start next time.
Door Rubber Band
It’s always when you’re carrying a lot of things at once. Or probably when you’re trying to sneak something in your door keeps shutting against you.

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You can silence the door and leave it open for as long as you want with a rubber band. Loop it across one doorknob and stretch it across to the doorknob on the other side. This holds the latch in place and prevents it from clicking into place.
Pancake Mix Bottle
You don’t always have to make a mess because you’re making pancakes. There’s a way to do it clean and tidy, and this is with a squeeze bottle.

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Do you know how you use them for ketchup or mustard? You can use one of those for your pancake batter. Pour your batter into the bottle and just squeeze it onto the pan when you’re ready.
Aloe Vera Ice Cubes
You’re out in the sun all day and you forgot to put on your sunscreen. Or you’ve actually run out of sunscreen, and you end up with a sunburn. Not fun, right?

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You can grab an ice cube tray and fill it with aloe vera gel. Wait for it to freeze and form your ice cubes. Rub this on the burn and your skin will get calm because of the soothing cubes. Aloe vera is also known to work wonders on the skin.
Shower Cap For Shoes
You’re worried that your shoe closet doesn’t always stay tidy, but you can change that. When your shoes are muddy and you don’t know what to do with them, you can still keep them in your closet without making a mess.

Source: Pinterest
Grab a shower cap and put your shoes inside it, with the soles covered by the cap. That way, you can keep your shoes away without being bothered about messing your closet up.
Binder Clips In Freezer
When all those bags in your freezer are no longer staying in place, you can keep them in check with binder clips. First, find a shelf in your freezer where you can clip things to.

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Then, take a binder clip and clip the open end of your veggie bag. After that, hang the clip, with the bag attached on the freezer shelf. This will keep your freezer tidy and stop those bags from falling away.
Garage Storage Hack
Your garage doesn’t have to look like a jungle. You can clear things up and make it look neat. There are wooden beams that are called L-beams because they look like the letter, L, and you’d be needing those.

Source: Pinterest
Fix them on your garage wall and slide your stuff into them. Now, you don’t have things lying carelessly around, but in a tidy space.
Debris Protection
You want to hang a picture or fix something on the ceiling? But you’re worried about all the debris coming off on you and into your eyes when you start drilling? Steal this hack for free.

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You can cut off the bottom of a plastic cup, so you have a sort of plastic ring. When you’re ready to drill, put the driller through the hole in the cup. This cup will catch all the dust and shield your face and eyes.
Snack Dispensers
What do you do with your old coffee containers? Throw them away? Well, they could be more than that. You’re going to clean out the containers really well and start using them to store your favorite snacks.

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Instead of storing snacks in bags that can tear and make a mess, you can store them here, and it makes it easier to have a quick snack by just getting the lid off.
Wooden Spoon Pot Trick
It’s so easy to stop those volcanic eruptions that happen in your pot when you’re cooking. When your water starts bubbling up and spilling out on all the sides, just put a wooden spoon at the top.

Source: Pinterest
The spoon would pop the bubbles as they reach the top and stop the water from running over. Easy, right?
Drill-Powered Cleaning
Your regular drilling machine can be turned into a super scrubbing machine. But first, you have to find a brush head that fits into the drill. Once you’ve done that, you’re good to go.

Source: Pinterest
When you want to clean, turn the brush on and your brush would spin way faster than your hands ever could. This cleans all the dirt in seconds, saving your time and energy.