When it comes to packing for a trip, two types of people exist. The first category can fit their whole wardrobe into a carry-on without trouble. Then there are the others who only manage to pack a few things in and still end up with bursting seams and a weirdly shaped bag.

Source: fashionablykay/Instagram
If you belong to the second group, we understand how scary every packing day can be. But not to worry, we’re here to help you say goodbye to your packing woes forever.
First Things First: Why?
Why does taking the time to pack properly matter when you can just stuff your clothes into your carry-ons and keep it moving? You may struggle a little with zipping the bag, but all’s well that ends well, right? Well, no.

Source: Crafty Panda/YouTube
Besides the difficulty of closing your carry-on, an improperly packed bag can ruin your entire trip in numerous ways. Let’s see how.
Why Organized Packing Matters
It’s important to pack your carry-on carefully and properly if you prioritize convenient travel. First of all, packing your clothes neatly ensures that the weight in your carry-on is evenly distributed. This makes it easier to carry and reduces the strain on your muscles.

Source: laugrids/Instagram
Again, your fragile items are less likely to get damaged and you’ll find it easier to receive your belongings when you pack smartly.
The Essence of Carry-Ons
Many travelers use carry-ons because of their portability, especially when traveling light is the goal. However, traveling light doesn’t mean letting go of some of the things you need to make your trip an enjoyable one.

Source: bespokepost/Instagram
To get the most out of your carry-on, you must learn how to fit your all essentials in as nicely and compactly as possible. And it all begins with learning not to throw your stuff in haphazardly.
Don’t Dump or Fold
If you’ve been throwing your clothes in your carry-on without a care in the world, it’s time to change your strategy. And no, folding isn’t the best alternative either.

Source: Crafty Panda/YouTube
Contrary to public opinion, folding your clothes doesn’t save as much space as you think it does. Moreover, folding also makes your clothes more prone to wrinkles and creases.
Roll Instead
The best way to organize your clothes into a carry-on is by rolling them. Rolled clothes help to save more space, ensuring that more items can go into your bag. They are also less likely to get wrinkled and save more packing time than folding.

Source: Vlada Karpovich
Another advantage of rolling clothes is that they’re easier to pull out when it’s time to rock them. It’s a win-win situation all the way!
The Largest Items Go in First
Packing is one of the many occasions where you have to focus on the big stuff first because they take up the most space. The smaller items will always find their way in later on.

Source: Travel Smart/YouTube
When you pack in the larger items first, they create a base and allow you to see how much more space you’ve got left. You can then maximize the available space by fitting the smaller items between, around, and on top of the large ones.
Get The Right Size
While packing neatly to maximize space is a great idea, you don’t want to overload your carry-on. Carry-ons come in different sizes and capacities, thereby creating limits that even the best packers cannot exceed them.

Source: homducts.pk/Instagram
So, instead of trying to force your clothes into a small carry-on, get a large capacity bag that can conveniently accommodate them.
Ensure Your Bag is Travel-Friendly
Sometimes, no matter how loving you try to be to your carry-on, they’re just not suited for traveling, and that’s okay. You’ve got to let them live their dream by replacing them with a travel-friendly bag.

Source: homducts.pk/Instagram
Travel-friendly bags come with enough compartments to efficiently organize your stuff while maximizing space. This way, you’ll no longer struggle to create a spot for items your bag just didn’t make space for.
Wear Your Heaviest Items
Packing your carry-on full of heavy clothes will significantly reduce its capacity to accommodate other essentials. If it’s absolutely necessary to take them along with you, you can maximize space by wearing the heaviest ones as you travel.

Source: roz_creativestylist/Instagram
This is a particularly great idea if you’re traveling in the colder months.
Consider Your Shoes
Let’s face it — shoes will always take up a lot of space no matter the packing techniques you employ. Plus, unlike clothes, compressing your shoes is a really bad idea if you want them to maintain their shape.

Source: staplesbyannette/Instagram
So, there’s no better way to get around this issue than by limiting your footwear to only a few versatile pairs to match your different outfits. For better organization, you can get a carry-on luggage with a separate compartment for shoes.
It’s Time to Pack Your Carry-On Like A Pro
The difference between expert and novice packers is the seemingly easy but efficient packing hacks the pro has utilized over the years. You too can become great in the packing department if you know how to apply the above tips when they matter the most.

Source: flightsfromhome/Instagram
Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time. It just keeps getting better with more practice.